The Pilgrim’s Guide to the Ka`bah (Allah’s Sacred House) The Pilgrim’s Guide to the Ka`bah (Allah’s Sacred House)
The Pilgrim’s Guide to the Ka`bah (Allah’s Sacred House) The Pilgrim’s Guide to the Ka`bah (Allah’s Sacred House)
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Forbidden acts in Ihram:

  1. Al Rafath: A husband and a wife are not allowed to have intimate relations (sexual intercourse, any of its causes nor even touch or kiss …etc.)
  2. Disobedience: not to be disobedient.
  3. No quarrelling or arguing which leads to anger, insulting and fighting.
  4. Wearing sewn clothes (for men).
  5. The cutting of hair.
  6. The use of perfume (or any scented soap or shampoo is prohibited).
  7. Cutting the nails.
  8. Covering the head (for men).
  9. Hunting.
  10. Cutting trees.
  11. Wearing socks and full shoes. Pilgrims may wear any shoes that show the instep
  12. Covering of the face during sleep.

Permissible acts in Ihram:

  1. Taking a shower intending Tahara, cleanness or for refreshment without using any scented soap, shampoo or toothpaste.
  2. Pulling out a tooth.
  3. Setting broken bones.
  4. Rubbing of the head or the body very gently without causing any hair to drop. If any hair falls, he must offer alms to the poor.
  5. It is permissible to wear sandals, a ring, glasses, earphones, a watch, a belt and wallet for keeping money and papers.
  6. A pilgrim can change and clean Ihram dress but this act is not recommended.


By: Castalia

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